The Gordin family contacted the Foundation to share their memories of Apache, a Heigl Hound that had a huge impact on their lives.

Dear JDHF,
With gratitude, the Gordin family remembers Apache, the Dobie/Shepherd mix we adopted in February 2011. He was pure Love and Grace. He was aging and lame when he joined our family, but we took a chance on getting his orthopedic problems fixed, and were delighted with the wonderful 3½ years he gave us. His gratitude knew no bounds. The first time I took him to my medical office, we discovered that he was a superb therapy dog. He always knew who needed him most, and he rapidly became the most popular member of our healthcare team.
I'll never forget the morning when he and I were walking down the hall towards the office, and a man and woman emerged from the brain surgeon's office, crying quite hard. Apache rushed to their side and gently lay his head against them. Their tears instantly dried up as they basked in his love.
Apache was adored by everyone who met him. Our veterinarians often remarked at how special he was. So many dogs that have been neglected and abused are never able to recover emotionally. Not only did Apache recover from his past trauma, but he devoted his new life to helping others through hard times.
When our precious boy developed a rapidly fatal condition, his demeanor never changed. He loved our home, our life together and his place in the world. He died in our loving embrace, a smile on his handsome face. He was an Angel, and he will live in our hearts forever.
Raylene Gordin Lebanon, Oregon